Original Art Available For Purchase

Christy Skinner Artist, Seeker, Encourager

Personal freedom, self empowerment, and control can all be found within. And practicing the Intentional Creativity painting methods can fast track you to gaining clarity and a greater sense of self. Come play! There is room for you here.

With a desire to serve others well through the connection of creating art, I have achieved an internationally recognized certification in Expressive Art therapy. I am a graduate of the Empowed By Design art mentor program of The Turquoise Iris and a graduate of the Color of Woman Intentional Creativity Teacher Certification training program of Musea University. You will often find my work on display and for sale at the Art Center of Corpus Christi. I have been published recently in a magazine and featured on a podcast, both for creatives. I still have work to do right along beside you. I will always be in pursuit of enlightenment and personal growth. I know first hand the magnitude that creating in this way makes. I am here to guide, support and inspire you as we create together. I believe that creating art, creates us.

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Insights from within Coming Soon via the new Blog

So Proud of This

This means I have a fabulous bag of tricks guaranteed to help you find a greater sense of personal freedom and self worth. AND... It's empowering,fun and requires no talent.

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Practicing Expressive Intuitive Art, IC methods, is not at all about talent or the end result of your painting. It's about the process. Self exploration, being present, tuning in, becoming more self aware. This is a very empowering experience. It leads you to seeing everything from the perspective of your highest self and can truly change how you show up in the world. Even the most subtle shifts make a difference. We play by combining painting with music, movement, writing, and breath work opening you up to YOUR innner wisdom. Moving things out that no longer serve us, moving things in that do. There is healing power and personal freedom in creating in this way. It meets you exactly where you are, which means the experience is unique to everyone and different every time. You will leave feeling stronger and more confident. Like you went to Church, hit the gym and a great coffee shop all in the same day!

Shifting Perspective

What is Expressive Art ?

A way of practicing self expression and awareness. By combining different art practices we connect the total mind, body and spirit. Letting go of all expectation. Returning to childlike wonder. This experience is about the process not the result of what you create artistically. However, you may just be surprised at what you are able to materialize.

It's therapeutic and fun! You will have a lovely abstract piece in the end, but the more you engage in this process the more you will discover about yourself and the personal benefit of creating in this way. You will tap into a new level of self confidence as you learn to better trust your own inner guidance system when practiced regularly. It really is a tremendous form of soul work.

  • Its Okay To Show Up For You

    It's Okay to explore different avenues of things that bring you peace, calm, even inner healing. Self exploration and self development are not selfish! It's loving and honoring yourself. Respecting and loving yourself the way you do others. 

    What's the value ?

    How it makes you feel! It is quite simply another self development tool. The more you practice, the more you will become in tune to connect and listen to your own intuition in regards to anything. It provides peace and calm. A sense of renewal if you remain open to accepting it. 

  • We've All Got Stress and Pressure

    Practicing art in this most childlike way can help you to connect to your spirit, develop and follow your intuition. To quiet your mind, get ahold of your thoughts by letting go of personal judgement, doubt and poor self talk. To become present, focused, open minded, kind and accepting of YOURSELF! 

    Things you may experience/feel

    Allll the emotions. You will become aware of what does and does not serve you. Learn to be kind and accepting of yourself and your art which in turn helps you take that out and apply it to your daily life.